Our story begins in 2003. Since then we have overseen more than 500 projects, and received plenty of positive feedback from our happy clients. We believe in fresh food, fresh air, and fresh design.
● Responsive Web Design
● Web Development
● Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
● Web Development
● CMS Internet Application
● Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
● Responsive Web Design
● Web Development
● CMS + WEB SHOP Internet Application
● Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
● Responsive Web Design
● Web Development
● CMS Internet Application
● Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
● Responsive Web Design
● Web Development
● CMS Internet Application
● Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
We’re driven by a desire to create meaningful and lasting connections with clients and businesses through memorable creative designs which look beautiful and work brilliantly.
User experience (UX) is a crucial part of all design projects. We ensure that site looks gorgeous and perfect on all devices (desktop computer, tablet or smartphone).
Web development is our speciality. We turn web design into web site through our experienced developers, who always make sure the website is "pixel perfect".
We are specialists for custom made internet applications (CMS, B2B, WebShop, etc.). We develop content management systems customised for clients' needs (managing product or service data, setup payment processing and much more).
We are specialists in SEO and we can help your webpage "grow" on search engines.
Web hosting makes your website visible on the internet. We offer fast, secure and reliable hosting packages for every need.
We can help you to reach more customers on your webpage. Powerful tools such as Google Ads and Social Media Advertising can help to increase company sales and earn more money.
User experience (UX) is a crucial part of all design projects. We ensure that site looks gorgeous and perfect on all devices (desktop computer, tablet or smartphone).
Web development is our speciality. We turn web design into web site through our experienced developers, who always make sure the website is "pixel perfect".
We are specialists for custom made internet applications (CMS, B2B, WebShop, etc.). We develop content management systems customised for clients' needs (managing product or service data, setup payment processing and much more).
We are specialists in SEO and we can help your webpage "grow" on search engines.
Web hosting makes your website visible on the internet. We offer fast, secure and reliable hosting packages for every need.
We can help you to reach more customers on your webpage. Powerful tools such as Google Ads and Social Media Advertising can help to increase company sales and earn more money.
Podrška od ideje do realizacije stranice. Otvoreni za sve naše upite i ideje. Hvala Kristini i timu!
Kod njih uvijek sve može :) Pouzdan partner koji je uvijek dostupan.
Izuzetno smo zadovoljni pruženim uslugama u svakom segmetnu suradnje od idejne, konceptualne,
komunikacijske i na kraju izvedbene. Cijeli paket usluga od hostinga i održavanja web stranice daje
nam mogućnost da se fokusiramo na unapređivanju web poslovanja dok se Kalelarga.net brine o
svemu ostalom.
Brzina i kvaliteta rješavanja problema je na najvišoj razini te stoga možemo dati jedino ocijenu 5.
U cijelosti smo zadovoljni pruženom uslugom. Kalelarga.net web studio brzo je prepoznao naše potrebe i prilagodio se našim željama i zahtjevima. Komunikacija je bila na visokom nivou. Ocjena 5.
We have been cooperating for many years and we are very satisfied with the service they provide. They are always available and available. Highly recommended for everyone who needs web development, because you will really be noticed in the work you do.
Odličan tim! Profesionalni na svaki mogući način, uvijek spremni pomoći i odgovoriti na baš svako pitanje. Presretni smo zbog suradnje i veselimo se i budućoj suradnji.
Profesionalni, organizirani, kreativni i suradnici za preporuku. Sve pohvale cijeloj ekipi!
Iznimno smo zadovoljni s provedbom usluga i projekta u suradnji sa Kalelarga.net, zbog toga smo zasnovali partnerski odnos putem ugovora i računamo na dugoročnu suradnju i na budućim projektima. Ocjena isporučene usluge je čista 5ica.
They are always available, fast and professional. They are always ready to help, support the development of ideas and give their professional advice, in order to bring the product to the highest level. We will certainly continue our excellent cooperation.
Thanks to Kristina and the whole team!
Kalelarga.net je sav posao odradila vrlo profesionalno i u dogovorenom vremenu. Uvijek su dostupni i vrlo brzo odgovaraju na upite. Vrlo smo zadovoljni isporučenom uslugom.
As a loyal customer of Kalelarga.net for a couple of years now I must say, my site migrations were never easier to perform since im here. Easy, fast, reliable, must recommend!